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We are offering a COLOR COPY of an antique 1899-1914 historical map of part of Kenosha County, Wisconsin: Twin Lakes – Lake Mary & Lake Elizabeth area, a huge territory of 241+ acres, bounded by E. Main Street + Wilmot Avenue + Illinois-Wisconsin State Line + Richmond Road, which is a densely populated area these days.

This is a beautiful handdrafted map, titled “Map of Property of Consumers Company…”, prepared by one of our predecessors originally in 1899 and re-measured in 1914.

Besides the property of the Consumers Company, it shows properties & structures of the few private owners of acres of land around the Twin Lakes, including the property of the “German Club”, as they existed more than 100 years ago. Important piece of local history & ancestry!
The size is appr. 32.5" x 34.5". Clearly dated.




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Wisconsin 1899-1914 Antique Historical map of Twin Lakes: Lake Mary & Elizabeth

Excluding Sales Tax
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